Racer Properties Information Hub
Pontiac Centerpoint Campus West
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- Environmental Fact Sheet
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- Case Study
Situated on the northwestern corner of the larger Pontiac Central Manufacturing and Assembly Plant campus, this 79.7-acre property consists of a northern and southern portion, and includes a 533,000-square-foot former research and testing facility and wastewater treatment plant, and is located adjacent to a rail line in an industrial zone area.
Property Information
- Property Name: Pontiac Centerpoint Campus West
- Address: 520 South Boulevard East, Pontiac, MI
- Contact for sale: Bruce Rasher
- Acreage: 79.70
- Description of Property: Former research and testing facility
Zoning/Tax ID Number(s):
Industrial: 63-64-19-03-101-003, 63-64-19-04-226-020
- RACER Site ID: 13080
Supplemental Property Information
No Further Action Documents
Property Photos
Helpful Resources
Environmental Information
007097 Rpt-60 Revised June 20, 2012.pdf
1196_1305_1307_1308 Site Map.jpg
1307_1308 2005_RFI_Report.pdf
1307_1308 2006_CMP_Report.pdf
13080-Pontiac West DRC-Final-2014-08-20-Recorded.pdf
13080-Pontiac West-Summary for AOI #50 -DUCO Stores– Building 34-20140206.pdf
2005 RCRA Facility Investigation Report.pdf
2006 USEPA Response & Final Decision.pdf
7097 - Bldg 33 MPE Shutdown Presentation (9-8-08).pdf
AOI50-UST-Ltr to EPA-2012-02.pdf
Corrective Measures Implementation Report - Bldg 33 MPE.pdf
DEQ Ust Ltr-2011-04-20.pdf
DUCO Stores Supplemental Work Plan.pdf
Email Response to USEPA Comments-20140605.pdf
EPA CACC Approval Ltr-PCC-20150423.pdf
Long-Term Monitoring Plan11-23-07 FINAL approved by EPA.pdf
Long-Term Monitoring Plan11-23-07 FINAL approved by EPA.pdf
MDEQ UST Ltr-20110630.pdf
MI DEQ 03 07 12 Facility ID 18277 Confirmed Release No C.0014.12.pdf
PCC West-Current Conditions Rpt-Complete-1995.pdf
Phase I ESA - 13080 - PCC West - 2010 0311.pdf
Pontiac CC West-AddendumCorrectiveActionComplete007097-Rpt-76-CACC-2015.pdf
RACER Pontiac Centerpoint RCRA CACC Request-Updated June 2011.pdf
RCRA Corrective Action - Releases associated with AOI 50 and an UST near AOI 53.pdf
Site Map - PCC West.jpg
Site Map-Long-Term-Monitoring - AOI #52.jpg
Site Map-Long-Term-Monitoring - AOI #53.jpg
Site Map-Long-Term-Monitoring - AOI #71.jpg
Site Map-Long-Term-Monitoring-EPA-11-23-07.jpg
Site Map-Long-Term-Monitoring-MDEQ-11-23-07.jpg
Site Map-Property-Ownership-11-27-06.jpg
Site Map-Proposed Deed Restrictions-2006 CMP Report.jpg
Site Map-USGA-Boundary-2005 RFI Report.jpg
Summary for AOI #50 -DUCO Stores – Building 34-20140206-Draft.pdf
Survey PCC West.jpg
1196_1305_1307_1308 Site Map.jpg
1307_1308 2005_RFI_Report.pdf
1307_1308 2006_CMP_Report.pdf
13080-Pontiac West DRC-Final-2014-08-20-Recorded.pdf
13080-Pontiac West-Summary for AOI #50 -DUCO Stores– Building 34-20140206.pdf
2005 RCRA Facility Investigation Report.pdf
2006 USEPA Response & Final Decision.pdf
7097 - Bldg 33 MPE Shutdown Presentation (9-8-08).pdf
AOI50-UST-Ltr to EPA-2012-02.pdf
Corrective Measures Implementation Report - Bldg 33 MPE.pdf
DEQ Ust Ltr-2011-04-20.pdf
DUCO Stores Supplemental Work Plan.pdf
Email Response to USEPA Comments-20140605.pdf
EPA CACC Approval Ltr-PCC-20150423.pdf
Long-Term Monitoring Plan11-23-07 FINAL approved by EPA.pdf
Long-Term Monitoring Plan11-23-07 FINAL approved by EPA.pdf
MDEQ UST Ltr-20110630.pdf
MI DEQ 03 07 12 Facility ID 18277 Confirmed Release No C.0014.12.pdf
PCC West-Current Conditions Rpt-Complete-1995.pdf
Phase I ESA - 13080 - PCC West - 2010 0311.pdf
Pontiac CC West-AddendumCorrectiveActionComplete007097-Rpt-76-CACC-2015.pdf
RACER Pontiac Centerpoint RCRA CACC Request-Updated June 2011.pdf
RCRA Corrective Action - Releases associated with AOI 50 and an UST near AOI 53.pdf
Site Map - PCC West.jpg
Site Map-Long-Term-Monitoring - AOI #52.jpg
Site Map-Long-Term-Monitoring - AOI #53.jpg
Site Map-Long-Term-Monitoring - AOI #71.jpg
Site Map-Long-Term-Monitoring-EPA-11-23-07.jpg
Site Map-Long-Term-Monitoring-MDEQ-11-23-07.jpg
Site Map-Property-Ownership-11-27-06.jpg
Site Map-Proposed Deed Restrictions-2006 CMP Report.jpg
Site Map-USGA-Boundary-2005 RFI Report.jpg
Summary for AOI #50 -DUCO Stores – Building 34-20140206-Draft.pdf
Survey PCC West.jpg
Contact Our Managers
Grant Trigger Environmental
Bruce Rasher Redevelopment