Community Engagement

RACER Trust is committed to open dialogue with impacted communities


A number of RACER Trust properties are located in areas of communities historically underserved or poor and with severe environmental and/or social impacts resulting from historic contamination, blight, and a lack of employment opportunities. Our approach is to communicate our responsibilities with transparency and intention, providing multiple opportunities and platforms for residents and other stakeholders to engage with RACER personnel and regulatory authorities so they may fully understand and participate in the formulation of final remedial objectives.

In addition to its public outreach activities, RACER Trust has acted as an advocate for our communities, identifying and sharing grant opportunities, connecting local leaders with state and national resources, hiring local contractors to perform cleanup activities and incorporating local infrastructure needs with site remediation and redevelopment plans.

By addressing abandoned, blighted and contaminated properties with transparency, outreach and communication; mitigating public health risks via safe and protective cleanups; leading site and infrastructure improvements; selecting buyers with development plans that satisfy the criteria for sales in the Settlement Agreement and that comply with local, state and Federal laws; creating jobs and restoring tax revenues locally; and supporting local efforts for community revitalization, RACER Trust consistently contributes to the wellbeing of our communities.