Racer Properties Information Hub
Lansing Plant 2 Industrial Land
This 72.47-acre site is directly adjacent to two other former GM manufacturing properties owned by RACER — Lansing Plant 3 and Lansing Plant 6. The vacant property is immediately south of Interstate 69 and north of nearby Interstate 496, and is bordered by railroad tracks to the east. It zoned H, Industrial.
Property Information
- Property Name: Lansing Plant 2 Industrial Land
- Address: 2801 West Saginaw Street, Lansing Township, MI
- Contact for sale: Bruce Rasher
- Acreage: 72.47
- Description of Property: Vacant property adjacent to two other RACER properties
Zoning/Tax ID Number(s):
H, Industrial: 33-21-01-18-276-001, 33-21-01-18-276-002, 33-21-01-18-276-003, 33-21-01-18-277-001, 33-21-01-18-277-002, 33-21-01-18-278-011, 33-21-01-18-278-012, 33-21-01-18-278-010, 33-21-01-18-227-001
- Transportation: Railway, Airport, Highway
- Regional Transmission Organization (RTO): Click here
- Public Utilities Commission (PUC): Click here
- Utilities: Electricity, Natural Gas, Municipal Sewer, Municipal Water
- Property Type: Vacant Land
- RACER Site ID: 13001
Supplemental Property Information
360° Panorama
Helpful Resources
Environmental Information
1938-13001-RACER Lansing-Aerial.jpg
1950-13001-RACER Lansing-Aerial.jpg
1955-13001-RACER Lansing-Aerial.jpg
1963-13001-RACER Lansing-Aerial.jpg
1970-13001-RACER Lansing-Aerial.jpg
1976-13001-RACER Lansing-Aerial.jpg
1993-13001-RACER Lansing-Aerial.jpg
2003-08-11-13001-RACER Lansing-Restrictive Covenant 225 Tank Farm.pdf
2003-08-11-13001-RACER Lansing-Restrictive Covenant 250 Tank Farm.pdf
2005-07-29-13001-RACER Lansing-CRA Validation Reports.pdf
2007-06-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 ENCORE Project Summary-Rev 3.pdf
2008-04-15-13001-RACER Lansing Plant 2 & 3-Stormwater Permits.pdf
2008-06-02-13001-RACER Lansing Plt 2 ENCORE Proj Summ_rev 3.pdf
2008-06-02-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 ENCORE Project Summary-Rev 4.pdf
2008-07-01-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2 3 6 Voluntary Corrective Action Agreement MDEQ and GM.pdf
2008-07-01-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2,3 and 6 GM VCAA.pdf
2008-07-25-13001-RACER Lansing-GM Lansing Plant 1 Current Condition Report-Text and Tables.pdf
2008-08-01-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 AOI Locations.pdf
2008-08-01-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 AOI Locations[1].jpg
2008-08-01-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2,3 and 6-Current Conditions REport for GM Lansing-Volume II_a.pdf
2008-08-01-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2,3 and 6-Current Conditions Report GM Lansing-Volume II_b.pdf
2008-08-01-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2,3 and 6.jpg
2008-08-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 Current Conditions Report (CCR) Volume I of II.pdf
2008-08-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 Current Conditions Report (CCR) Volume II of II.pdf
2008-08-22-13001-RACER Lansing-ALTA Survey Complete Set.pdf
2009-07-28-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 AOI Locations Figure.pdf
2011 - Lansing Plants 2, 3 and 6 Location.pptx
2011-01-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 2011 4Q Progress Report.pdf
2011-04-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 2011 1Q Progress Report.pdf
2011-07-08-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2 3 6 MDEQ Approval of RFI Matrix Updates.pdf
2011-07-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 2011 2Q Progress Report.pdf
2011-07-22-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 Data Review Report #14594R.pdf
2011-08-02-13001-RACER Lansing-MDEQ Dye Tracer Approval.pdf
2011-08-20-13001-RACER Lansing Plant 2, 3, and 6 FSP.pdf
2011-08-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 QAPP.pdf
2011-08-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2,3 and 6 RFI Work Plan.pdf
2011-08-22 to 2011-09-22-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 Data Review Report #14820R.pdf
2011-08-22-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 Data Review Report #14817R.pdf
2011-08-22-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 Data Review Report #14818R.pdf
2011-08-22-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 Data Review Report #14831R.pdf
2011-09-22-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 Data Review Report #14826R.pdf
2011-09-22-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 Data Review Report #14830R.pdf
2011-09-26-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2 3 6 MDEQ Approval of RFI Work Plan, FPS & QAPP.pdf
2011-10-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 2011 3Q Progress Report.pdf
2011-10-22-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 Data Review Report #15018R.pdf
2011-10-22-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 Data Review Report #15024R.pdf
2012-01-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 2012 4Q Progress Report.pdf
2012-01-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2,3 and 6 RFI Phase I Activities Summary Report.pdf
2012-03-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 Bedrock Well install in Public ROW.pdf
2012-03-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 Off-site Bedrock Drilling Locations Map.pdf
2012-03-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 Bedrock Sentinel Monitoring Well Installation.pdf
2012-03-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2,3 and 6 RFI Phase 2 Work Plan.pdf
2012-04-13-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2 3 6 MDEQ Response to Phase II Work Plan.pdf
2012-04-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 2012 1Q Progress Report.pdf
2012-04-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 HASP_Rev.pdf
2012-05-07-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2 3 6 MDEQ Approval of Phase II Work Plan.pdf
2012-07-19-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 RFI Phase 2, Characterization Stage Scope of Work.pdf
2012-07-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 2012 2Q Progress Report.pdf
2012-08-21-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2 3 6 MDEQ Response to Phase II Characterization Work Plan.pdf
2012-09-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 2012 3Q Progress Report.pdf
2012-10-18-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2 3 6 MDEQ Approval for Storm Sewer Investigation Work Plan.pdf
2012-10-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2,3 and 6 STorm Sewer Investigation Work Plan.pdf
2012-10-26-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 RFI Phase 2, Delineation Stage Scope of Work_REV.pdf
2012-11-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 Soil Borings and Well install in Public ROW.pdf
2012-12-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2,3 and 6 RFI Phase 2 Delineation Stage SOW Addendum.pdf
2013-02-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 2013 1Q Progress Report and Delineation Milestone Meeting v2.pptx
2013-04-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 RFI Phase 2, Activities Summary Report (1 of 3).pdf
2013-04-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 RFI Phase 2, Activities Summary Report (2 of 3).pdf
2013-04-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 RFI Phase 2, Activities Summary Report (3 of 3).pdf
2013-05-01-13001 RACER Lansing Plants 2,3,6-Interim Groundwater Sampling Work Plan.msg
2013-07-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 2013 2Q Progress Report.pdf
2013-09-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 2013 3Q Progress Report.pdf
2013-09-30-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2 and 3 Declaration of Restrictive Covenants Recorded Warner Norcross.pdf
2014-02-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 RFI Phase 2, Activities Summary Report_Supplemental.pdf
2014-02026-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3 and 6_2013 RFI Phase 2 Supplemental Activities Summary Report_FINAL.pdf
2014-04-11-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 2014 1Q Progress Report.pdf
2014-06-03-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3 and 6 PFM-Transducer Summary Memo.pdf
2014-06-04-13001-RACER Lansing Plants 2,3,6 CMS Draft.pdf
2014-06-04-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2,3,6 RCRA Corrective Action CMS - DRAFT.pdf
2014-06-24-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 3 Area 16 Metals Memo.pdf
2014-07-10-13001-RACER Lansing Plant 2, 3, and 6 2014 2Q Progress Report.pdf
2014-07-23-13001-RACER Lansing-2014 Additional AOI Memo.pdf
2014-08-11-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2 3 6 RFI Activities Summary Report.pdf
2014-09-16-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2 3 6 2nd Quarter GW Monitoring Report.pdf
2014-09-17-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 Geochem and Plume Stability Assessment_REV.pdf
2014-10-15-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2 3 6 MDEQ Approval of Geochemical and Plume Assessment.pdf
2014-10-20-13001-RACER Lansing Plant 2, 3, and 6 2014 3Q Progress Report.pdf
2014-11-14-13001-RACER Lansing Plants 2,3,6 - Revised Interim GW Monitoring Plan.pdf
2014-12-03-13001-RACER Lansing Plant 2,3,6_PreDesign Study Report_Final 12.3.2014.pdf
2014-12-03-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2,3 and 6 PreDesign Study Report.pdf
2014-12-03-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2,3 and 6 Third QTR Groundwater Monitoring Report.pdf
2014-12-17-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 2014 4Q Progress Report.pdf
2015-01-19-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 and 3 Hydrualic Testing Report_Final.pdf
2015-01-29-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3 and 6 PFM-Transducer Summary Memo rev.pdf
2015-02-04-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 3 Area 16 Memo Final.pdf
2015-03-12-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2 3 Tracer-ISCO Work Plan.pdf
2015-03-19-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2 3 6 4th Quarter GW Monitoring Report.pdf
2015-03-31-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 2015 1Q Progress Report.pdf
2015-04-22-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 MDEQ Ltr Re Work Plan for Concrete Vault Removal.pdf
2015-06-30-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 2015 2Q Progress Report.pdf
2015-10-21-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 2015 3Q Progress Report.pdf
2015-11-10-13001-RACER Lansing-2015 3rd QTR Groundwater Monitoring Report.pdf
2015-11-19-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 2015 Lower 14-D Toe WP.pdf
2016-01-26-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 2015 4Q Progress Report.pdf
2016-02-23-13001-RACER Lansing-2015 4th QTR Groundwater Monitoring Report.pdf
2016-03-11-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 DRAFT Lower 4-D Summary Report.pdf
2016-03-11-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 Lower 14-D Summary Report.pdf
2016-04-14-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 2016 1Q Progress Report.pdf
2016-05-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 and 3 2016 Bioreactor Work Plan.pdf
2016-05-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 and 3 2016 Biosparge Work Plan.pdf
2016-06-13-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2 3 MDEQ Approval of Bio Pilot Studies.pdf
2016-06-27-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2 3 6 2015 Annual Report.pdf
2016-07-13-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 2016 2Q Progress Report_signed.pdf
2016-09-02-13001-RACER Lansing-2016 2nd QTR Groundwater Montoring Report.pdf
2016-09-13001-RACER Lansing- Plant 6 PME Excavation Summary Report (Text-Tables-Figures) DRAFT.pdf
2016-09-22-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 Supplemental Lower 14-D Summary Report.pdf
2016-12-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 and 3 TSCA Summary Report.pdf
2017-01-10-13001-RACER Lansing-2016 3rd QTR Groundwater Monitoring Report.pdf
2017-01-30-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2,3 and 6 Revised Interim Groundwater Monitoring Work Plan.pdf
2017-02-03-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 NE Lobe Lower 14-D Summary Report.pdf
2017-02-03-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 6 Southern Metals Summary Presentation.pdf
2017-02-15-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2 3 6 MDEQ Approval of Revised Interim Groundwater Monitoring Work Plan.pdf
2017-03-24-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2 3 2nd Quarter Investigation Work Plan.pdf
2017-04-14-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2,3 and 6 1Q 2017 Progress Report.pdf
2017-05-04-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2 3 6 2016 Annual Report.pdf
2017-05-31-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 Bioreactor Pilot Summary Presentation.pdf
2017-05-31-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 Biosparge Pilot Test Summary Vol 1 - Slides Figs Tables.pdf
2017-05-31-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 Biosparge Pilot Test Summary Vol 2 - Logs Lab Reports.pdf
2017-07-03-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 LNAPL Investigation Summary.pdf
2017-07-17-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3 and 6 2017 2Q Progress report.pdf
2017-08-09-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 3 PFAS Investigation Work Plan.pdf
2017-09-01-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3 and 6 2017 Semi-Annual GWS Report Vol. 1.pdf
2017-09-01-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3 and 6 2017 Semi-Annual GWS Report Vol. 2.pdf
2017-09-28-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3 and 6 Biosparge Work Plan Final.pdf
2017-10-02-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 6 Soil Corrective Measures Work Plan.pdf
2017-10-09-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3 and 6 2017 3Q Progress Report.pdf
2018-01-16-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3 and 6 2017 4Q Progress Report.pdf
2018-02-14-13001-RACER Lansing_RTC_Pathway Analysis.pdf
2018-03-08-13001-RACER Lansing Plant 2-LNAPL Composition and Potential Risks.pdf
2018-04-17-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3 and 6 2018 1Q Progress Report.pdf
2018-04-19-13001-RACER Lansing-Storm Sewer Bulkheading IM WP.pdf
2018-05-07-13001-RACER Lansing- 2017 Annual GW Monitoring Report_FINAL Reduced.pdf
2018-05-15-RACER Lansing Plant 6-13003-Declaration of Restrictive Covenant Amended and Restated-Recorded-Stamped.pdf
2018-05-24-13001-RACER Lansing-MDEQ Approval Ltr for Plant 6 Soil Plan and CA Construction Complete.pdf
2018-07-24-13001-RACER Lansing Plants 2 3 and 6 2018 2Q Progress Report - Reduced.pdf
2018-07-31-13001-RACER Lansing-Meeting Notice- PFSA.docx
2018-08-30-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 1,4-D Biosparge Interim Measures Update.pdf
2018-10-15-13001-RACER Lansing Plants 2 3 and 6 2018 3Q Progress Report_Final.pdf
2018-10-19-13001-RACER Lansing-Biosparge IM Workplan.pdf
2018-10-26-13001-RACER Lansing_Plant 2 and 6 PFAS Sampling Memo_rev102618.pdf
2018-11-02-13001-RACER Lansing Plant 3 PFAS Summary Report_FINAL.pdf
2019-01-14-13001-RACER Lansing Plants 2 3 and 6 2018 4Q Progress Report_Final.pdf
2019-01-25-13001-Plant 3 Storm Sewer Modifications Completion Report.pdf
2019-01-29-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 PFAS Storm Sewer Sampling Results.pdf
2019-01-29-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 6 PFAS Investigation Phase I Results.pdf
2019-03-01-13001-Lansing Bedrock Monitoring Well Work Plan.pdf
2019-04-15-13001-RACER Lansing Plants 2 3 and 6 2019 1Q Progress Report_Final.pdf
2019-05-15-13001-RACER Lansing Plant 2, 3 & 6-2018 Annual GW Monitoring Report Appendices.pdf
2019-05-15-13001-RACER Lansing-2018 Annual Monitoring Report.pdf
2019-06-18-13001-Lansing_SE Plant 2 PFAS Investigation Work Plan.pdf
2019-06-21-13001-Lansing Plant 2 LNAPL-PFAS Summary Memo.pdf
2019-07-15-13001-RACER Lansing 2019 2Q Progress Report - Reduced v2.pdf
2019-07-16-RACER Lansing-Plants 2,3 P2 P3 Storm Sewer Work Plan.pdf
2019-07-24-13001-Plant 3 PFAS Investigation Summary Report Addendum.pdf
2019-08-15-13001-Lansing Plant 2 NSZD Summary Report.pdf
2019-09-03-13001-Lansing Plant 6 PFAS Investigation - Phase 2.pdf
2019-10-03-13001-Lansing VI Evaluation and Work Plan_Revised.pdf
2019-10-14-13001-RACER Lansing 2019 Semi-Annual GWS Report.pdf
2019-10-15-13001-RACER Lansing Plants 2 3 and 6 2019 3Q Progress Report Presentation_Final.pdf
2019-10-18-13001-Lansing P6 Storm Sewer Work Plan.pdf
2019-10-28-13001-RACER Lansing Plants 2,3,6-Revised Interim GW Monitoring Work Plan.pdf
2019-12-12-13001-Lansing SE Plant 2 PFAS Investigation Summary Report.pdf
2019-12-13-13001-Lansing Plant 3 2019 PFAS MW Memo_Final.pdf
2020-01-15-13001-RACER Lansing Plants 2 3 and 6 2019 4Q Progress Report Presentation_Final.pdf
2020-02-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 LNAPL CSM_DRAFT.pdf
2020-04-15 - 13001 - RACER Lansing Plants 2 3 and 6 2020 1Q Progress Report - Final.pdf
2020-04-30 - Lansing Plant 3 2800 W Saginaw - PEA ALTA Survey.pdf
2020-05-20-13001-RACER Lansing Plant 2, 3 & 6-2019 Annual GW Report_No Appendix B.pdf
2020-06-12-13001-RACER Lansing Plant 2 PFAS Investigation Workplan_Phase 2.pdf
2020-06-16-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 3 Storm Sewer Outfall PFAS Mitigation Memo.pdf
2020-07-15 - 13001 - RACER Lansing Plants 2 3 and 6 2020 2Q Progress Report - Final.pdf
2020-08-05 - Lansing Plant 6 - PEA 200217 ALTA Survey.pdf
2020-08-10-13001-RACER Lansing Biosparge Installtion Data Package.pdf
2020-09-23-13001-RACER Lansing- Plants 2 and 3 Soil Corrective Measures Report_revised.pdf
2020-10-01-13001-RACER Lansing 2020 Semi-Annual GWS Report.pdf
2020-10-06-13001-RACER Lansing - Plant 6 Monitoring Well Installation Workplan.pdf
2020-10-07-13001-RACER Lansing Plants 2 3 and 6 Sewer Workplan_Final.pdf
2020-10-15-13001-RACER Lansing Plants 2 3 and 6 2020 3Q Progress Report-Final.pdf
2020-10-29-13001-RACER Lansing Plant 6 VI Investigation Summary and Work Plan_REVISED.pdf
2020-12-07-13001-RACER Lansing - Plant 2 PFAS Investigation Summary Memo rev1.pdf
2021-01-06-13001-RACER Lansing Lower 1,4-D CSM Summary_FINAL DRAFT.pdf
2021-01-15-13001-RACER Lansing_4Q Progress Report_Final.pdf
2021-01-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Biosparge Completion Report REV.pdf
2021-02-08-13001-RACER Lansing - Plants 2 3 & 6 VI Summary_Final.pdf
2021-03-09-13001-RACER Lansing-2020 MW Abandonment Memo.pdf
2021-03-18 - 13001 - RACER Lansing - Biosparge Update Report.pdf
2021-03-24 – 13001 – RACER Lansing - Sewer Modifications Completion Report.pdf
2021-04-13-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 Vault Scope of Work.pdf
2021-04-15 - RACER Lansing 1QTR 2021 Progress Report.pdf
2021-05-06 - 13001 - RACER Lansing 2020 Annual Report.pdf
2021-05-20-13001-RACER Plant 6 Monitoring Well Summary and Off-site PFAS WP.pdf
2021-07-15-13001-RACER Lansing_2nd Qtr Progress Report.pdf
2021-08-11-13001-RACER Lansing-1,4-D MW Installation and Abandonment Work Plan.pdf
2021-09-02-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2 and 6 Storm Sewer Completion Update Report_final.pdf
2021-10-13-13001-RACER Lansing Plants 2,3 and 6-2021 Semi-Annual GWS Report.pdf
2021-10-15-13001-RACER Lansing_3Q Progress Report.pdf
2022-01-04-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 6 PFAS Off-Site VAP Investigation.pdf
2022-01-06 - RACER Lansing - RFI Activites Summary Report_Draft.pdf
2022-01-07 - RACER Lansing CMS 2021 Update - DRAFT.pdf
2022-01-13 - RACER Lansing Plants 2 3 6 - Project Update - Results of PFAS Investigation Off-site near Plant 6 - 2022-01-13 - Final.pdf
2022-01-15 - 13001 - RACER Lansing_2021 4Qtr Progress Report.pdf
2022-01-20-13001-RACER Lansing-P2 Vault Closure Memo.pdf
2022-01-27-13001-RACER Lansing-2021 Well Abandonment Memo.pdf
2022-01-27-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2_14-Dioxane Investigation Memo.pdf
2022-03-10 - RACER Lansing Plants 2 3 6 - Project Update - Wells to be Installed Off-site near Plant 6 - Final.pdf
2022-04-15-13001-RACER Lansing-2022 Biosparge Update Report.pdf
2022-04-15-13001-RACER Lansing_1Q Progress Report.pdf
2022-06-23 - Lansing - Verlinden & Shiawassee EDR Aerials 1 7029787.8.pdf
2022-06-23 - Lansing - Verlinden & Shiawassee EDR Aerials 2 - 7029787.8.pdf
2022-06-23 - Lansing - Verlinden & Shiawassee EDR Radius Map Report - 7029787.pdf
2022-06-23 - Lansing - Verlinden & Shiawassee EDR Topos - 7029787.4.pdf
2022-06-23-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 6 VI Summary_Final.pdf
2022-06-24 - Lansing - Verlinden & Shiawassee EDR Map Report - 7029787.3.pdf
2022-06-30 - Lansing - Verlinden & Shiawassee EDR City Directory 1 - 70297875.pdf
2022-06-30 - Lansing - Verlinden & Shiawassee EDR City Directory 2 - 70297875.pdf
2022-07-15-13001-RACER Lansing_2Q Progress Report.pdf
2022-08-10-13001-RACER Lansing - Plant 6 PFAS Off-Site Well Memo.pdf
2022-09-07-13001-RACER Lansing-2022 Semi-Annual GWS Report.pdf
2022-10-15-13001-RACER Lansing_3Q Progress Report.pdf
2022-11-01 - 13001 RACER Lansing - Plant 6 PFAS Off-Site VAP Summary and MW WP.pdf
2023-01-15-13001-RACER Lansing_4Q Progress Report.pdf
2023-02-03-13001-RACER Lansing MW-14-58R Investigation Summary.pdf
2023-02-24-13001-RACER Lansing-Water Well Survey.pdf
2023-03-07-13001-RACER Lansing-MW-16-79 Abandonment Plan.pdf
2023-03-27-13001-RACER Lansing-2023 Biosparge Update Report.pdf
2023-04-12-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 6 PFAS Off-Site Well Memo.pdf
2023-04-14-13001-RACER Lansing_1Q 2023 Progress Report.pdf
2023-05-03-13001-RACER Lansing-P2-3 Soil CM Summary_reduced.pdf
2023-05-18 - 393437 RACER Trust Lansing Plant 6 928 RCRA Determination North Verlinden and Shiawassee CA_.pdf
2023-05-23-13001-RACER Lansing- Revised Interim GW Monitoring Work Plan.pdf
2023-06-06-13001-RACER Lansing 2022 Annual GW Report_FINAL REDUCED.pdf
2023-07-05-13001-RACER Lansing-MW-16-79 Abandonment Summary Memo.pdf
2023-07-17-13001-RACER Lansing_2Q Progress Report.pdf
2023-08-23-13001-Lansing-Additional MW-14-58R Investigation_Final.pdf
2023-09-19-13001-RACER Lansing-2023 Semi-Annual GWS Report_Final.pdf
2023-10-11-13001-RACER Lansing-Revised TSCA Workplan.pdf
2023-10-16-13001-RACER Lansing_3Q Progress Report.pdf
2023-11-07-13001-RACER Lansing-P2 P3 Excavation and Cover Work Plan.pdf
2024-01-04-13001-RACER Lansing-2024 Biosparge Update Report_FINAL REDUCED.pdf
2024-01-15-13001-RACER Lansing_4Q Progress Report.pdf
2024-01-19 - 13001 - RACER Lansing MW-14-58R Investigation Summary_Final_Reduced.pdf
2024-03-08-13001-RACER Lansing-2023-2024 MW Abandonment Summary Memo.pdf
2024-04-15-13001-RACER Lansing_1Q Progress Report.pdf
2024-06-19-13001-RACER Lansing-2023 Annual GW Report.pdf
2024-08-01-13001-RACER Lansing-P2 P3 Excavation and Cover Summary Report_reduced.pdf
1950-13001-RACER Lansing-Aerial.jpg
1955-13001-RACER Lansing-Aerial.jpg
1963-13001-RACER Lansing-Aerial.jpg
1970-13001-RACER Lansing-Aerial.jpg
1976-13001-RACER Lansing-Aerial.jpg
1993-13001-RACER Lansing-Aerial.jpg
2003-08-11-13001-RACER Lansing-Restrictive Covenant 225 Tank Farm.pdf
2003-08-11-13001-RACER Lansing-Restrictive Covenant 250 Tank Farm.pdf
2005-07-29-13001-RACER Lansing-CRA Validation Reports.pdf
2007-06-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 ENCORE Project Summary-Rev 3.pdf
2008-04-15-13001-RACER Lansing Plant 2 & 3-Stormwater Permits.pdf
2008-06-02-13001-RACER Lansing Plt 2 ENCORE Proj Summ_rev 3.pdf
2008-06-02-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 ENCORE Project Summary-Rev 4.pdf
2008-07-01-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2 3 6 Voluntary Corrective Action Agreement MDEQ and GM.pdf
2008-07-01-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2,3 and 6 GM VCAA.pdf
2008-07-25-13001-RACER Lansing-GM Lansing Plant 1 Current Condition Report-Text and Tables.pdf
2008-08-01-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 AOI Locations.pdf
2008-08-01-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 AOI Locations[1].jpg
2008-08-01-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2,3 and 6-Current Conditions REport for GM Lansing-Volume II_a.pdf
2008-08-01-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2,3 and 6-Current Conditions Report GM Lansing-Volume II_b.pdf
2008-08-01-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2,3 and 6.jpg
2008-08-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 Current Conditions Report (CCR) Volume I of II.pdf
2008-08-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 Current Conditions Report (CCR) Volume II of II.pdf
2008-08-22-13001-RACER Lansing-ALTA Survey Complete Set.pdf
2009-07-28-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 AOI Locations Figure.pdf
2011 - Lansing Plants 2, 3 and 6 Location.pptx
2011-01-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 2011 4Q Progress Report.pdf
2011-04-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 2011 1Q Progress Report.pdf
2011-07-08-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2 3 6 MDEQ Approval of RFI Matrix Updates.pdf
2011-07-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 2011 2Q Progress Report.pdf
2011-07-22-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 Data Review Report #14594R.pdf
2011-08-02-13001-RACER Lansing-MDEQ Dye Tracer Approval.pdf
2011-08-20-13001-RACER Lansing Plant 2, 3, and 6 FSP.pdf
2011-08-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 QAPP.pdf
2011-08-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2,3 and 6 RFI Work Plan.pdf
2011-08-22 to 2011-09-22-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 Data Review Report #14820R.pdf
2011-08-22-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 Data Review Report #14817R.pdf
2011-08-22-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 Data Review Report #14818R.pdf
2011-08-22-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 Data Review Report #14831R.pdf
2011-09-22-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 Data Review Report #14826R.pdf
2011-09-22-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 Data Review Report #14830R.pdf
2011-09-26-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2 3 6 MDEQ Approval of RFI Work Plan, FPS & QAPP.pdf
2011-10-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 2011 3Q Progress Report.pdf
2011-10-22-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 Data Review Report #15018R.pdf
2011-10-22-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 Data Review Report #15024R.pdf
2012-01-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 2012 4Q Progress Report.pdf
2012-01-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2,3 and 6 RFI Phase I Activities Summary Report.pdf
2012-03-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 Bedrock Well install in Public ROW.pdf
2012-03-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 Off-site Bedrock Drilling Locations Map.pdf
2012-03-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 Bedrock Sentinel Monitoring Well Installation.pdf
2012-03-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2,3 and 6 RFI Phase 2 Work Plan.pdf
2012-04-13-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2 3 6 MDEQ Response to Phase II Work Plan.pdf
2012-04-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 2012 1Q Progress Report.pdf
2012-04-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 HASP_Rev.pdf
2012-05-07-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2 3 6 MDEQ Approval of Phase II Work Plan.pdf
2012-07-19-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 RFI Phase 2, Characterization Stage Scope of Work.pdf
2012-07-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 2012 2Q Progress Report.pdf
2012-08-21-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2 3 6 MDEQ Response to Phase II Characterization Work Plan.pdf
2012-09-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 2012 3Q Progress Report.pdf
2012-10-18-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2 3 6 MDEQ Approval for Storm Sewer Investigation Work Plan.pdf
2012-10-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2,3 and 6 STorm Sewer Investigation Work Plan.pdf
2012-10-26-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 RFI Phase 2, Delineation Stage Scope of Work_REV.pdf
2012-11-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 Soil Borings and Well install in Public ROW.pdf
2012-12-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2,3 and 6 RFI Phase 2 Delineation Stage SOW Addendum.pdf
2013-02-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 2013 1Q Progress Report and Delineation Milestone Meeting v2.pptx
2013-04-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 RFI Phase 2, Activities Summary Report (1 of 3).pdf
2013-04-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 RFI Phase 2, Activities Summary Report (2 of 3).pdf
2013-04-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 RFI Phase 2, Activities Summary Report (3 of 3).pdf
2013-05-01-13001 RACER Lansing Plants 2,3,6-Interim Groundwater Sampling Work Plan.msg
2013-07-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 2013 2Q Progress Report.pdf
2013-09-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 2013 3Q Progress Report.pdf
2013-09-30-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2 and 3 Declaration of Restrictive Covenants Recorded Warner Norcross.pdf
2014-02-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 RFI Phase 2, Activities Summary Report_Supplemental.pdf
2014-02026-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3 and 6_2013 RFI Phase 2 Supplemental Activities Summary Report_FINAL.pdf
2014-04-11-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 2014 1Q Progress Report.pdf
2014-06-03-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3 and 6 PFM-Transducer Summary Memo.pdf
2014-06-04-13001-RACER Lansing Plants 2,3,6 CMS Draft.pdf
2014-06-04-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2,3,6 RCRA Corrective Action CMS - DRAFT.pdf
2014-06-24-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 3 Area 16 Metals Memo.pdf
2014-07-10-13001-RACER Lansing Plant 2, 3, and 6 2014 2Q Progress Report.pdf
2014-07-23-13001-RACER Lansing-2014 Additional AOI Memo.pdf
2014-08-11-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2 3 6 RFI Activities Summary Report.pdf
2014-09-16-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2 3 6 2nd Quarter GW Monitoring Report.pdf
2014-09-17-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 Geochem and Plume Stability Assessment_REV.pdf
2014-10-15-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2 3 6 MDEQ Approval of Geochemical and Plume Assessment.pdf
2014-10-20-13001-RACER Lansing Plant 2, 3, and 6 2014 3Q Progress Report.pdf
2014-11-14-13001-RACER Lansing Plants 2,3,6 - Revised Interim GW Monitoring Plan.pdf
2014-12-03-13001-RACER Lansing Plant 2,3,6_PreDesign Study Report_Final 12.3.2014.pdf
2014-12-03-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2,3 and 6 PreDesign Study Report.pdf
2014-12-03-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2,3 and 6 Third QTR Groundwater Monitoring Report.pdf
2014-12-17-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 2014 4Q Progress Report.pdf
2015-01-19-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 and 3 Hydrualic Testing Report_Final.pdf
2015-01-29-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3 and 6 PFM-Transducer Summary Memo rev.pdf
2015-02-04-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 3 Area 16 Memo Final.pdf
2015-03-12-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2 3 Tracer-ISCO Work Plan.pdf
2015-03-19-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2 3 6 4th Quarter GW Monitoring Report.pdf
2015-03-31-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 2015 1Q Progress Report.pdf
2015-04-22-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 MDEQ Ltr Re Work Plan for Concrete Vault Removal.pdf
2015-06-30-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 2015 2Q Progress Report.pdf
2015-10-21-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 2015 3Q Progress Report.pdf
2015-11-10-13001-RACER Lansing-2015 3rd QTR Groundwater Monitoring Report.pdf
2015-11-19-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 2015 Lower 14-D Toe WP.pdf
2016-01-26-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 2015 4Q Progress Report.pdf
2016-02-23-13001-RACER Lansing-2015 4th QTR Groundwater Monitoring Report.pdf
2016-03-11-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 DRAFT Lower 4-D Summary Report.pdf
2016-03-11-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 Lower 14-D Summary Report.pdf
2016-04-14-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 2016 1Q Progress Report.pdf
2016-05-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 and 3 2016 Bioreactor Work Plan.pdf
2016-05-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 and 3 2016 Biosparge Work Plan.pdf
2016-06-13-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2 3 MDEQ Approval of Bio Pilot Studies.pdf
2016-06-27-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2 3 6 2015 Annual Report.pdf
2016-07-13-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3, and 6 2016 2Q Progress Report_signed.pdf
2016-09-02-13001-RACER Lansing-2016 2nd QTR Groundwater Montoring Report.pdf
2016-09-13001-RACER Lansing- Plant 6 PME Excavation Summary Report (Text-Tables-Figures) DRAFT.pdf
2016-09-22-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 Supplemental Lower 14-D Summary Report.pdf
2016-12-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 and 3 TSCA Summary Report.pdf
2017-01-10-13001-RACER Lansing-2016 3rd QTR Groundwater Monitoring Report.pdf
2017-01-30-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2,3 and 6 Revised Interim Groundwater Monitoring Work Plan.pdf
2017-02-03-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 NE Lobe Lower 14-D Summary Report.pdf
2017-02-03-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 6 Southern Metals Summary Presentation.pdf
2017-02-15-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2 3 6 MDEQ Approval of Revised Interim Groundwater Monitoring Work Plan.pdf
2017-03-24-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2 3 2nd Quarter Investigation Work Plan.pdf
2017-04-14-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2,3 and 6 1Q 2017 Progress Report.pdf
2017-05-04-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2 3 6 2016 Annual Report.pdf
2017-05-31-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 Bioreactor Pilot Summary Presentation.pdf
2017-05-31-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 Biosparge Pilot Test Summary Vol 1 - Slides Figs Tables.pdf
2017-05-31-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 Biosparge Pilot Test Summary Vol 2 - Logs Lab Reports.pdf
2017-07-03-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 LNAPL Investigation Summary.pdf
2017-07-17-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3 and 6 2017 2Q Progress report.pdf
2017-08-09-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 3 PFAS Investigation Work Plan.pdf
2017-09-01-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3 and 6 2017 Semi-Annual GWS Report Vol. 1.pdf
2017-09-01-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3 and 6 2017 Semi-Annual GWS Report Vol. 2.pdf
2017-09-28-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3 and 6 Biosparge Work Plan Final.pdf
2017-10-02-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 6 Soil Corrective Measures Work Plan.pdf
2017-10-09-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3 and 6 2017 3Q Progress Report.pdf
2018-01-16-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3 and 6 2017 4Q Progress Report.pdf
2018-02-14-13001-RACER Lansing_RTC_Pathway Analysis.pdf
2018-03-08-13001-RACER Lansing Plant 2-LNAPL Composition and Potential Risks.pdf
2018-04-17-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2, 3 and 6 2018 1Q Progress Report.pdf
2018-04-19-13001-RACER Lansing-Storm Sewer Bulkheading IM WP.pdf
2018-05-07-13001-RACER Lansing- 2017 Annual GW Monitoring Report_FINAL Reduced.pdf
2018-05-15-RACER Lansing Plant 6-13003-Declaration of Restrictive Covenant Amended and Restated-Recorded-Stamped.pdf
2018-05-24-13001-RACER Lansing-MDEQ Approval Ltr for Plant 6 Soil Plan and CA Construction Complete.pdf
2018-07-24-13001-RACER Lansing Plants 2 3 and 6 2018 2Q Progress Report - Reduced.pdf
2018-07-31-13001-RACER Lansing-Meeting Notice- PFSA.docx
2018-08-30-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 1,4-D Biosparge Interim Measures Update.pdf
2018-10-15-13001-RACER Lansing Plants 2 3 and 6 2018 3Q Progress Report_Final.pdf
2018-10-19-13001-RACER Lansing-Biosparge IM Workplan.pdf
2018-10-26-13001-RACER Lansing_Plant 2 and 6 PFAS Sampling Memo_rev102618.pdf
2018-11-02-13001-RACER Lansing Plant 3 PFAS Summary Report_FINAL.pdf
2019-01-14-13001-RACER Lansing Plants 2 3 and 6 2018 4Q Progress Report_Final.pdf
2019-01-25-13001-Plant 3 Storm Sewer Modifications Completion Report.pdf
2019-01-29-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 PFAS Storm Sewer Sampling Results.pdf
2019-01-29-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 6 PFAS Investigation Phase I Results.pdf
2019-03-01-13001-Lansing Bedrock Monitoring Well Work Plan.pdf
2019-04-15-13001-RACER Lansing Plants 2 3 and 6 2019 1Q Progress Report_Final.pdf
2019-05-15-13001-RACER Lansing Plant 2, 3 & 6-2018 Annual GW Monitoring Report Appendices.pdf
2019-05-15-13001-RACER Lansing-2018 Annual Monitoring Report.pdf
2019-06-18-13001-Lansing_SE Plant 2 PFAS Investigation Work Plan.pdf
2019-06-21-13001-Lansing Plant 2 LNAPL-PFAS Summary Memo.pdf
2019-07-15-13001-RACER Lansing 2019 2Q Progress Report - Reduced v2.pdf
2019-07-16-RACER Lansing-Plants 2,3 P2 P3 Storm Sewer Work Plan.pdf
2019-07-24-13001-Plant 3 PFAS Investigation Summary Report Addendum.pdf
2019-08-15-13001-Lansing Plant 2 NSZD Summary Report.pdf
2019-09-03-13001-Lansing Plant 6 PFAS Investigation - Phase 2.pdf
2019-10-03-13001-Lansing VI Evaluation and Work Plan_Revised.pdf
2019-10-14-13001-RACER Lansing 2019 Semi-Annual GWS Report.pdf
2019-10-15-13001-RACER Lansing Plants 2 3 and 6 2019 3Q Progress Report Presentation_Final.pdf
2019-10-18-13001-Lansing P6 Storm Sewer Work Plan.pdf
2019-10-28-13001-RACER Lansing Plants 2,3,6-Revised Interim GW Monitoring Work Plan.pdf
2019-12-12-13001-Lansing SE Plant 2 PFAS Investigation Summary Report.pdf
2019-12-13-13001-Lansing Plant 3 2019 PFAS MW Memo_Final.pdf
2020-01-15-13001-RACER Lansing Plants 2 3 and 6 2019 4Q Progress Report Presentation_Final.pdf
2020-02-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 LNAPL CSM_DRAFT.pdf
2020-04-15 - 13001 - RACER Lansing Plants 2 3 and 6 2020 1Q Progress Report - Final.pdf
2020-04-30 - Lansing Plant 3 2800 W Saginaw - PEA ALTA Survey.pdf
2020-05-20-13001-RACER Lansing Plant 2, 3 & 6-2019 Annual GW Report_No Appendix B.pdf
2020-06-12-13001-RACER Lansing Plant 2 PFAS Investigation Workplan_Phase 2.pdf
2020-06-16-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 3 Storm Sewer Outfall PFAS Mitigation Memo.pdf
2020-07-15 - 13001 - RACER Lansing Plants 2 3 and 6 2020 2Q Progress Report - Final.pdf
2020-08-05 - Lansing Plant 6 - PEA 200217 ALTA Survey.pdf
2020-08-10-13001-RACER Lansing Biosparge Installtion Data Package.pdf
2020-09-23-13001-RACER Lansing- Plants 2 and 3 Soil Corrective Measures Report_revised.pdf
2020-10-01-13001-RACER Lansing 2020 Semi-Annual GWS Report.pdf
2020-10-06-13001-RACER Lansing - Plant 6 Monitoring Well Installation Workplan.pdf
2020-10-07-13001-RACER Lansing Plants 2 3 and 6 Sewer Workplan_Final.pdf
2020-10-15-13001-RACER Lansing Plants 2 3 and 6 2020 3Q Progress Report-Final.pdf
2020-10-29-13001-RACER Lansing Plant 6 VI Investigation Summary and Work Plan_REVISED.pdf
2020-12-07-13001-RACER Lansing - Plant 2 PFAS Investigation Summary Memo rev1.pdf
2021-01-06-13001-RACER Lansing Lower 1,4-D CSM Summary_FINAL DRAFT.pdf
2021-01-15-13001-RACER Lansing_4Q Progress Report_Final.pdf
2021-01-20-13001-RACER Lansing-Biosparge Completion Report REV.pdf
2021-02-08-13001-RACER Lansing - Plants 2 3 & 6 VI Summary_Final.pdf
2021-03-09-13001-RACER Lansing-2020 MW Abandonment Memo.pdf
2021-03-18 - 13001 - RACER Lansing - Biosparge Update Report.pdf
2021-03-24 – 13001 – RACER Lansing - Sewer Modifications Completion Report.pdf
2021-04-13-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2 Vault Scope of Work.pdf
2021-04-15 - RACER Lansing 1QTR 2021 Progress Report.pdf
2021-05-06 - 13001 - RACER Lansing 2020 Annual Report.pdf
2021-05-20-13001-RACER Plant 6 Monitoring Well Summary and Off-site PFAS WP.pdf
2021-07-15-13001-RACER Lansing_2nd Qtr Progress Report.pdf
2021-08-11-13001-RACER Lansing-1,4-D MW Installation and Abandonment Work Plan.pdf
2021-09-02-13001-RACER Lansing-Plants 2 and 6 Storm Sewer Completion Update Report_final.pdf
2021-10-13-13001-RACER Lansing Plants 2,3 and 6-2021 Semi-Annual GWS Report.pdf
2021-10-15-13001-RACER Lansing_3Q Progress Report.pdf
2022-01-04-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 6 PFAS Off-Site VAP Investigation.pdf
2022-01-06 - RACER Lansing - RFI Activites Summary Report_Draft.pdf
2022-01-07 - RACER Lansing CMS 2021 Update - DRAFT.pdf
2022-01-13 - RACER Lansing Plants 2 3 6 - Project Update - Results of PFAS Investigation Off-site near Plant 6 - 2022-01-13 - Final.pdf
2022-01-15 - 13001 - RACER Lansing_2021 4Qtr Progress Report.pdf
2022-01-20-13001-RACER Lansing-P2 Vault Closure Memo.pdf
2022-01-27-13001-RACER Lansing-2021 Well Abandonment Memo.pdf
2022-01-27-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 2_14-Dioxane Investigation Memo.pdf
2022-03-10 - RACER Lansing Plants 2 3 6 - Project Update - Wells to be Installed Off-site near Plant 6 - Final.pdf
2022-04-15-13001-RACER Lansing-2022 Biosparge Update Report.pdf
2022-04-15-13001-RACER Lansing_1Q Progress Report.pdf
2022-06-23 - Lansing - Verlinden & Shiawassee EDR Aerials 1 7029787.8.pdf
2022-06-23 - Lansing - Verlinden & Shiawassee EDR Aerials 2 - 7029787.8.pdf
2022-06-23 - Lansing - Verlinden & Shiawassee EDR Radius Map Report - 7029787.pdf
2022-06-23 - Lansing - Verlinden & Shiawassee EDR Topos - 7029787.4.pdf
2022-06-23-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 6 VI Summary_Final.pdf
2022-06-24 - Lansing - Verlinden & Shiawassee EDR Map Report - 7029787.3.pdf
2022-06-30 - Lansing - Verlinden & Shiawassee EDR City Directory 1 - 70297875.pdf
2022-06-30 - Lansing - Verlinden & Shiawassee EDR City Directory 2 - 70297875.pdf
2022-07-15-13001-RACER Lansing_2Q Progress Report.pdf
2022-08-10-13001-RACER Lansing - Plant 6 PFAS Off-Site Well Memo.pdf
2022-09-07-13001-RACER Lansing-2022 Semi-Annual GWS Report.pdf
2022-10-15-13001-RACER Lansing_3Q Progress Report.pdf
2022-11-01 - 13001 RACER Lansing - Plant 6 PFAS Off-Site VAP Summary and MW WP.pdf
2023-01-15-13001-RACER Lansing_4Q Progress Report.pdf
2023-02-03-13001-RACER Lansing MW-14-58R Investigation Summary.pdf
2023-02-24-13001-RACER Lansing-Water Well Survey.pdf
2023-03-07-13001-RACER Lansing-MW-16-79 Abandonment Plan.pdf
2023-03-27-13001-RACER Lansing-2023 Biosparge Update Report.pdf
2023-04-12-13001-RACER Lansing-Plant 6 PFAS Off-Site Well Memo.pdf
2023-04-14-13001-RACER Lansing_1Q 2023 Progress Report.pdf
2023-05-03-13001-RACER Lansing-P2-3 Soil CM Summary_reduced.pdf
2023-05-18 - 393437 RACER Trust Lansing Plant 6 928 RCRA Determination North Verlinden and Shiawassee CA_.pdf
2023-05-23-13001-RACER Lansing- Revised Interim GW Monitoring Work Plan.pdf
2023-06-06-13001-RACER Lansing 2022 Annual GW Report_FINAL REDUCED.pdf
2023-07-05-13001-RACER Lansing-MW-16-79 Abandonment Summary Memo.pdf
2023-07-17-13001-RACER Lansing_2Q Progress Report.pdf
2023-08-23-13001-Lansing-Additional MW-14-58R Investigation_Final.pdf
2023-09-19-13001-RACER Lansing-2023 Semi-Annual GWS Report_Final.pdf
2023-10-11-13001-RACER Lansing-Revised TSCA Workplan.pdf
2023-10-16-13001-RACER Lansing_3Q Progress Report.pdf
2023-11-07-13001-RACER Lansing-P2 P3 Excavation and Cover Work Plan.pdf
2024-01-04-13001-RACER Lansing-2024 Biosparge Update Report_FINAL REDUCED.pdf
2024-01-15-13001-RACER Lansing_4Q Progress Report.pdf
2024-01-19 - 13001 - RACER Lansing MW-14-58R Investigation Summary_Final_Reduced.pdf
2024-03-08-13001-RACER Lansing-2023-2024 MW Abandonment Summary Memo.pdf
2024-04-15-13001-RACER Lansing_1Q Progress Report.pdf
2024-06-19-13001-RACER Lansing-2023 Annual GW Report.pdf
2024-08-01-13001-RACER Lansing-P2 P3 Excavation and Cover Summary Report_reduced.pdf
Contact Our Managers
Grant Trigger Environmental
Bruce Rasher Redevelopment