Racer Properties Information Hub

Elyria Industrial Land
This property is suitable for solar development. The City's zoning ordinance does not identify ground-mounted solar systems as any form of use. Contact the City for more information. RACER representatives are collaborating with community leaders to develop a vision for future use of this 95.26-acre landfill property. The property is served by public water and sewer, with electricity and natural gas also available. An active rail line is adjacent to the north end of the property. There are no structures or buildings on the property.
Property Information
- Property Name: Elyria Industrial Land
- Address: 8315 Murray Ridge Rd., Elyria, OH
- Contact for sale: Bruce Rasher
- Acreage: 95.26
- Description of Property: Closed RCRA landfill and two former sludge disposal areas
Zoning/Tax ID Number(s):
H-I, Heavy Industrial: 06-24-012-102-004
- Electric Provider: FirstEnergy Corp.
- Distance to Substation: 1,600 feet
- Transportation: Railway, Seaport, Airport, Highway
- Utilities: Electricity, Natural Gas, Municipal Sewer, Municipal Water
- Property Type: Vacant Land, Landfill
- RACER Site ID: 11110
Supplemental Property Information
Helpful Resources
Environmental Information
2008 Supplemental Annual GW Monitoring Report - 11110 - 2009-02-26.pdf
2014-06-13 - 11110 - Elyria - Wetland Delineation.pdf
2015 - 1217 - RACER-Elyria-Amendment to PCP.pdf
2015-1230 - 11110 - Haley Aldrich - Groundwater - RCRA Facility Investigation - RFI_Appendix_F.pdf
2017 - 0601 - OHEPA - Multi-Sector General Permit - OHR000006-Final Permit.pdf
2017-1116 - 11110 - Haley Aldrich - RCRA Generator Closure memo-F.pdf
2017_0227 - 11110 - Haley Aldrich - Biennial GW Monitoring Report_Compiled_F-Closed RCRA Landfill.pdf
2019-0213 - 11110 - Haley Aldrich - Biennial GW Monitoring (1) - Closed RCRA Landfill.pdf
2020 - 0107 - 11110 - Haley Aldrich - PFAS Groundwater Sampling Summary Results-Work Plan - Memo Final.pdf
2020 - 0207 - 11110 - RACER - Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan -FD.pdf
2020-0610 - 11110 - Haley Aldrich - Elyria Debris Pile Updated Investigation - Findings - Memo-File 129862-013-Signed.pdf
2020-0724 - Environmental Covenant FILED.pdf
2021 - 0217 - 11110 - Haley Aldrich - 2020 Biennial GW Monitoring-File-129862-017 - Closed RCRA Landfill.pdf
2021 - 0222 - 11110 - RACER-Elyria Amended PCCP-F-Submitted-Class 2 Modification.pdf
2021 - 0303 - 11110 - Ohio EPA- Receipt - Petition for - Class 2 Modification-Post Closure Plan.pdf
2021-0326 - 11110 - Haley Aldrich -129862-015-Revised Supplemental RFI Report-Soil-Groundwater - F.pdf
2022 0728 - 11110-Elyria - Haley Aldrich - Corrective Measures Study.pdf
CRA - Site Summary Report - 12616-34 - 2007-05-04.pdf
Final Decision Document for Elyria Jan 31, 2024.pdf
Ohio EPA - 11110 - Receipt of Amended Closure Plan - Elyria OH - 2014-0916.pdf
Ohio EPA - 11110- Elyria Biennial - Hazardous Waste-Report-RY2019 D - 2020-01-22.pdf
Ohio EPA - 11110-Elyria-DRAFT-2021 Biennial Hazardous Waste Report (1).pdf
Ohio EPA -11110-Elyria-OH-Monitoring Wells-dated 2014-05-30.pdf
Ohio EPA- 11110- NPDES not required-Elyria Landfill- 2013-1028.pdf
Ohio EPA-11110- NPDES Industrial Stormwater Permit- Elyria Landfill- eff 2013-1101.pdf
Ohio EPA-11110-Elyria Landfill-Post Closure Period Extension-2014-04-07.pdf
2014-06-13 - 11110 - Elyria - Wetland Delineation.pdf
2015 - 1217 - RACER-Elyria-Amendment to PCP.pdf
2015-1230 - 11110 - Haley Aldrich - Groundwater - RCRA Facility Investigation - RFI_Appendix_F.pdf
2017 - 0601 - OHEPA - Multi-Sector General Permit - OHR000006-Final Permit.pdf
2017-1116 - 11110 - Haley Aldrich - RCRA Generator Closure memo-F.pdf
2017_0227 - 11110 - Haley Aldrich - Biennial GW Monitoring Report_Compiled_F-Closed RCRA Landfill.pdf
2019-0213 - 11110 - Haley Aldrich - Biennial GW Monitoring (1) - Closed RCRA Landfill.pdf
2020 - 0107 - 11110 - Haley Aldrich - PFAS Groundwater Sampling Summary Results-Work Plan - Memo Final.pdf
2020 - 0207 - 11110 - RACER - Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan -FD.pdf
2020-0610 - 11110 - Haley Aldrich - Elyria Debris Pile Updated Investigation - Findings - Memo-File 129862-013-Signed.pdf
2020-0724 - Environmental Covenant FILED.pdf
2021 - 0217 - 11110 - Haley Aldrich - 2020 Biennial GW Monitoring-File-129862-017 - Closed RCRA Landfill.pdf
2021 - 0222 - 11110 - RACER-Elyria Amended PCCP-F-Submitted-Class 2 Modification.pdf
2021 - 0303 - 11110 - Ohio EPA- Receipt - Petition for - Class 2 Modification-Post Closure Plan.pdf
2021-0326 - 11110 - Haley Aldrich -129862-015-Revised Supplemental RFI Report-Soil-Groundwater - F.pdf
2022 0728 - 11110-Elyria - Haley Aldrich - Corrective Measures Study.pdf
CRA - Site Summary Report - 12616-34 - 2007-05-04.pdf
Final Decision Document for Elyria Jan 31, 2024.pdf
Ohio EPA - 11110 - Receipt of Amended Closure Plan - Elyria OH - 2014-0916.pdf
Ohio EPA - 11110- Elyria Biennial - Hazardous Waste-Report-RY2019 D - 2020-01-22.pdf
Ohio EPA - 11110-Elyria-DRAFT-2021 Biennial Hazardous Waste Report (1).pdf
Ohio EPA -11110-Elyria-OH-Monitoring Wells-dated 2014-05-30.pdf
Ohio EPA- 11110- NPDES not required-Elyria Landfill- 2013-1028.pdf
Ohio EPA-11110- NPDES Industrial Stormwater Permit- Elyria Landfill- eff 2013-1101.pdf
Ohio EPA-11110-Elyria Landfill-Post Closure Period Extension-2014-04-07.pdf
Contact Our Managers
Pamela Barnett Environmental
Bruce Rasher Redevelopment